
Join date

23 Feb 2019


Salik Hussain (SigmaSuccour)

A proud College Dropout,  with an INTENSE interest in Practical Psychology, Self-Development, and Max Human Potential. (Along with Anime and Videogames!)

I believe videogames are going to (to a great degree) replace our traditional books, poetry, music, and movies, as the latest medium for telling stories. And so, depending on which games you play, it's going to impact your life, your mindset, AND your behavior. 

With that in mind, I wish to make games that tell the type of stories that would affect you, the player, in a positive way. 

So what can you generally expect from the games I make? 

  • Dark Stories. ("Those who do not understand true pain, can never understand true peace.")

  • Meaningful and Educational. (You'll learn 'something' that you can apply in your life to make it better.)

  • Trippy stuff. (I believe it helps in shattering some the mental thresholds in our imagination, and allows us to be more creative.)

Social Media Profiles:

YouTube: Salik Hussain & Know How.

Facebook: Profile & Notes

DeviantArt:  Gallery.

Patreon: Page.


False Awakening Episode 1
False birth


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